Take Leave Request

Take Leave Request

An application that allows employees to fill out leave request forms and view the team's leave schedule.

Take Leave Request is a company application that allows employees to submit leave requests, With the following features:

  1. Employee leave request form
  2. Automated email notification system for leave requests
  3. Leave approval and rejection system for admin
  4. Employee leave calendar
  5. Employee leave summary table


Our leave management system is built on Microsoft Teams using Power Apps. This allows us to customize forms, create input fields and buttons, and write custom commands.

Take Leave Request

Example of creating a form in Power Apps

Previously created forms will be displayed directly on the leave request form, accessed through a Microsoft Teams group. All leave data will be stored in the SharePoint within the same Microsoft Teams.

Take Leave Request

Example form

Steps to use the leave request form

1. Employees fill out the leave request form with complete details and submit it for approval.

Take Leave Request

Form filling example

2. Employees will receive a notification confirming their leave request.

Take Leave Request

Example of notification screen for successful leave submission

3. The system will automatically update the leave schedule with new leave requests, which can be viewed by both employees and administrators. The schedule will display leave type, dates, status, employee name, and leave category.

Take Leave Request

Overall leave table

4. Employees receive email notifications for their leave requests.

Take Leave Request

Sample email to employees

5. Admins can directly approve or reject leave requests via email, and a confirmation message will be displayed upon completion.

Take Leave Request

Example of a leave request email that has been approved by the admin.

6. Employees will also receive email notifications regarding their leave request status, whether it's approved or rejected.

Take Leave Request

Example email to employee upon leave approval.

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Take Leave Request

Example of a leave approval table

8. The system will automatically update the calendar with new approved leave requests.

Take Leave Request

Approved leave calendar

9. All leave details are available for viewing.

Take Leave Request

Leave request details

Our employee leave system is just the beginning; we're always looking to expand on it.

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