LINE RichMenu

LINE RichMenu

LINE Rich Menus enhance user experience by providing easy access to various functions through customizable interactive menus within the LINE Official Account chat screen.

Our LINE Rich Menu is an interactive menu that appears in the LINE chat screen, as shown in the image. It allows users to customize the destination of each menu item, such as a store website or Line Shopping.

LINE RichMenu

LINE RichMenu example

Our LINE Rich Menu offers two main layout options: Large (2 rows) and Compact (1 row) as shown in the image. These layouts can be switched as needed, and the images used must match the size of each section. LINE will provide the specific dimensions.

LINE RichMenu

Supported Rich Menu formats

LINE Rich Menus provide users with a convenient way to create shortcuts or menus for easy access to various functions, enhancing user experience and efficiency.

Fullscreen Image